Finding a lump…

08/28/2021 0 By Lisa

January 24th 2020

Having Brca has made me so aware of my body. Which is both good and bad. I notice tiny little pains, spots, strange things that I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid at or even noticed before. Most of it is breastfeeding related as Emma is still very much a booby monster (which I am enjoying as long as I can til my ability to breastfeed is taken away). It’s a strange new awareness. I’m still getting used to it.

Last week I had noticed a lump I had found on my nipple has grown, went to the gp fully aware he would either say “it is *insert medical term here * which is bf related” or “not sure, let’s get an urgent referral up to breast clinic” my urgent referral is on the 10th of Feb. 3 weeks, thought that was very good for the NHS. I feel I ought to share this, I wasn’t sure if I should, but I want this page to be a document of my entire journey. Ups, downs, roundabouts, the lot. To help me, to help my daughter one day, and hopefully to help anyone else in a similar position.

I feel I should say I’m scared, but I’m not. I have gotten very good at not worrying about something until I have to with this journey. I also feel at the moment I am functioning at crisis point all the time so anything like this that comes up I’m just OK, just something else to deal with. The universe is dealing me a hand I don’t understand but I sure as hell will fight with it. There’s every chance it is nothing. But if it isn’t, it’s been caught early, and that’s the whole point in finding out about the shit that is Brca right?

On another note I have all my referral appointments through now including gyne (with an additional joyful pelvic scan) a genetic psychologist, my urgent breast clinic referral and my normal breast clinic referral. So it will be a busy few months! Expect some updates as I go.

I have also signed up to a 5k and a 10k this year to raise money for cancer research UK. An important charity to give many people, including myself, a chance. 👩‍👧🤱 #checkyourboobs #brca #brca1 #geneticmutation #hereditarycancer #breastcancer #ovariancancer #breastfeeding #cruk